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SupTech Intelligence

At the forefront of research in the areas of supervisory technology, the Cambridge SupTech Lab produces the annual State of SupTech Report, as well as insights into suptech innovations. We lay the foundation for the field of suptech through blueprints, frameworks and a taxonomy.

Featured Publications

Financial Consumer Protection Suite with Web Scraping and ML-Based Analysis

For Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and the Securities and Exchange Commission Philippines, with Winnow Technologies

SupTech Taxonomy

A comprehensive classification system

SupTech Generations

An ontology for how each technology-enabled element of the supervisory process might evolve

State of SupTech Report

Survey and insights on the current state of the digital transformation of financial supervision.

SupTech Library


Suptech and greenwashing: A desirable paradigm shift

Suptech and greenwashing: A desirable paradigm shift

By Maryeliza Barasa and Samir Kiuhan-Vasquez Retail and institutional investors increasingly choose to invest in assets that align with biodiversity, climate, and other sustainability goals. This trend has led to a surge in the number of financial products claiming to...

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Women in banking: Interview with Sonja Kelly, Women World Banking

Women in banking: Interview with Sonja Kelly, Women World Banking

For the month of March, in honor of International Women's Day, the Cambridge SupTech Lab will be featuring inspiring leaders of women in finance and financial supervision. We asked them questions about women in banking as well as about career advice and mentorship....

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