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SupTech Hackathon 2023

The collaboration between the Cambridge SupTech Lab and the Alliance for Innovative Regulation (AIR) culminated in the SupTech Hackathon 2023. This event, held virtually from July 26 to August 4, convened data scientists, innovators, and technologists from around the globe. The overarching goal was to harness their expertise to effect positive change in the realms of financial consumer protection and market conduct. Focusing on this year’s theme, “Beyond Chatbots: Consumer Complaints Analytics,” the hackathon solicited innovative solutions. These solutions aimed to empower financial supervisory agencies with the capability to extract actionable insights from consumer complaints and supervisory data. Notably, the event spotlighted advanced analytics of complaint data sourced from governmental portals, alongside the potential of innovative chatbot technologies.

See details here Cambridge SupTech Lab | SupTech Hackathon 2023 Beyond Chatbots: Advanced Consumer Complaints Analytics (ccaf.io)



Cambridge SupTech Lab

Cambridge SupTech Lab


Jose Miguel Mestanza Hirakata

Cambridge SupTech Lab


Juliet Ongwae

Cambridge SupTech Lab


Kalliopi Letsiou

Cambridge SupTech Lab


Maryeliza Brasa and Samir Kiuhan-Vasquez

Cambridge SupTech Lab


Matt Grasser

Cambridge SupTech Lab


Matt Grasser and Kalliopi Letsiou

Cambridge SupTech Lab


Simone di Castri

Cambridge SupTech Lab

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