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The Cambridge SupTech Lab accelerates the digital transformation of financial supervision and supervisory agencies. The Lab delivers world-class online leadership education, experiential training, ground-breaking research, market intelligence, new analytical frameworks, innovative digital tools, and cutting-edge suptech applications.


Financial supervisors
trained from 40


Suptech proofs
of concept


Financial authorities from 120+ countries 
surveyed on the State of Suptech


Suptech applications prototyped

AI for consumer protection

Digital tools users


Users on data gymnasium (alpha)


Agency reports with 9500+ responses in the

Digital SupTech

From 126 vendors mapped in suptech marketplace

Participants at Suptech Week


A global economy that is more inclusive, sustainable, resilient and transparent.


To equip and engage financial authorities with the tools, training and education to digitally transform their organisations for more effective supervision. 


Outlining our core beliefs and strategic vision, this manifesto serves as a guiding framework for our commitment to innovation, integrity, and excellence in all our endeavours and initiatives.

  • We believe that effective digital supervision and regulation are critical components to making our economies and societies more equitable and sustainable. By augmenting the capabilities of supervisory authorities via the Lab’s work, we’ll enable sustainable delivery of innovative financial services, greater protection of consumers, and the pursuit of other policy objectives such as financial stability and integrity, as well as more accountability in the management of environmental, governance, and other emerging risks. 
  • We believe in reducing the current dependency on the relatively scarce, expensive set of international experts and instead developing an online community supported by augmentative digital tools to increase financial authorities’ capabilities and peer-collaboration among supervisors.
  • We are also a home for answering deeper, longer-term questions around collaboration and the adoption of technology across the global supervisory community. For example: Where are the opportunities for cross-jurisdictional collaboration? How might data be more effectively shared via data commons or exchanges? What components of the suptech solutions live in the private sector’s vendor marketplace vs as digital public goods vs open-source software?


Foundational values guiding our actions and decisions for sustained excellence and integrity

  • Our initiatives are gender intentional, aiming to seek and encourage the participation and engagement of female regulators, supervisors, and technologists, as well as incorporating gender equality / inclusiveness into the design of the suptech applications and conceptualisation of data analytics.
  • Moreover, we are very intentional in designing and developing applications that level the digital divides rather than deepening them. We intend to drive fairness in AI systems reducing algorithmic bias. We are aware that technology can exacerbate exclusion. Therefore, our explicit goal is to use data and tools for better inclusion outcomes.
  • We are also keenly aware of the sustainability challenges of the 21st century and strive for environmental sustainability in our work settings

Launch of
Cambridge SupTech Lab

Mauro Guillen

Dean of Cambridge Judge Business School

Benjamin E. Diokno

Governor, Central Bank of Philippines